
Birthdays are a good time to think about the past,
But not to linger there because memories will last.
Birthdays are a good time to think about the NOW,
In gratitude for blessings that brought us through somehow.
To look toward the future with vision and with hope;
To broaden one's horizons and plumb new learning's scope.

Birthdays are a good time to evaluate
Assessing where one is compared to last year's date.
Has the vista broadened, or narrower become?
Have I added more new interests, or neglected some?
Every day is precious and time should be best used;
The privilege of living must never be abused.

Our bodies should be nurtured with tender, loving care;
Our spirits also watered with fellowship and prayer.
To Cultivate a happy, thankful attitude,
Be Encouraging to others and showing gratitude.
Then, this will be a time more like Christ to grow
To love our Heavenly Father and to tell Him so.

Honoria A. Groves

April 26, 1997