Easter Communion

In my hand a wafer
Symbol of my Lord
Whose flesh was bruised and broken
As written in God's Word.

Instinctively my other hand
Completely covered it
As such a precious treasure
Should be protected
And cherished.

In my hand the symbol
Of His Sacred Blood
Freely poured on Calvary
To cleanse this heart of mine.

With my lips I humbly
With unworthiness
Accept this Gift of love,
Which makes me holy.

In my heart a flame of love
And gratitude to God
For His Son, my Saviour
Who lived and died
And lives again
For all - for you - for me!

In my spirit oneness
With the Spirit of God
Christ's sacrifice the connection
Drawing us together
In mutual love.

Honoria A. Groves

Easter, 2002