Give and It Shall Be Given to You

Because the boy gave his lunch to the Master,
Both he and the crowd were plentifully fed!

Only when Mary lavishly poured out
Her precious ointment on Christ's feet
Could the perfume fill the house for all to enjoy.

The beautiful Tabernacle was possible
Because the Israelites gave so generously
That Moses had to ask them to refrain from giving.

We may have Eternal Life
As a direct result of Jesus willingly sacrificing His.

We rejoice in the rich blessings of the Holy Spirit
Because the Apostles went forth to share the good news
With their world
Instead of cloistering themselves continually
In the Upper Room to hold Prayer Meetings.

Do not hoard God's bountiful blessings -
Share them with needy souls and starving bodies
Instead of seeking more Gifts and Power, and possessions,

God has promised to supply
Our every need.
- So -
Let us use what has been given to us;
For only as we offer ourselves, all we are and have,
Completely to Christ,
Can we be used by His Holy Spirit
To meet the needs of those around us.

Then, as the stream of blessing flows out from us to others,
It will be replenished
From the River of Living Water
Continually and Eternally!

Honoria A. Groves