Go with God

May God be with you, tenderly,
His guiding, omnipresent Hand
Rest upon you constantly,
To guard, to guide, give strength to stand,
No matter where your lot may be
As you obey His clear command.

You'll be remembered thankfully
For all you are and all you've done.
But as God leads, you'll surely see
His gracious plan, so well begun,
Throughout your future pilgrimage
As you follow His dear Son.

He'll be your source of everything,
No matter what may be your need.
His presence joy to you will bring,
Your spirit He will always feed;
He'll lift your heart and make you sing,
And daily will your footsteps lead.

Now go with God, His love to share,
Go in His Name, to serve, to be
Victorious and free from care.
Through your sweet spirit all may see
The love of Jesus everywhere -
For where you are - with you He'll be.

For now, we say our fond "Good-byes".
Both caring helpers, through and through.
You show compassion, warm and wise.
As to His Word and Will you're true,
See hurting people through His eyes,
As you bless them, God will bless you!

Honoria A. Groves