Holy Spirit, Shine on Me

Holy Spirit, shine on me,
Reveal each fault displeasing Thee,
That I my deepest needs may see
O Holy Spirit, shine on me.

Holy Spirit, empty me,
Of all that would a hindrance be
Cleansed and purified for Thee,
O Holy Spirit, empty me.

Holy Spirit, fill Thou me,
Possess my personality,
Permeate the whole of me,
O Holy Spirit, fill Thou me.

Holy Spirit, humble me,
No righteousness is there in me,
But Holiness belongs to Thee,
O Holy Spirit, humble me.

Holy Spirit, glow through me,
Let others my dear Saviour see,
May I a clear reflection be,
O Holy Spirit, glow through me.

Holy Spirit, work through me,
These hands, these lips I give to

Thee, Love and compassion moving me,
O Holy Spirit work through me.

Holy Spirit, take Thou me,
Set this longing spirit free,
All power and praise belong to Thee
O Holy Spirit, take Thou me.

Honoria A. Groves

16 August, 1976