If I Should Weep

If I should weep
Let it be for the suffering patient;
Not for myself, as a weary caregiver.

If I should chafe
At frustrating circumstances,
Let it be for the one confined to bed
Rather than because MY activities are restricted.

If I feel hurt
By the patient's impatience;
May I remember the root causes -
His years of illness
Combined with pain-killing narcotic drugs
And that it is not directed at me personally.

If I should falter
Under the stress,
May I find deep resources of strength
Unknown before.

In times of utter exhaustion
May I feel renewed by learning to relax
And be able to sleep peacefully
Whenever opportunity arises.

When filled with dread
For what the future may hold,
Let me experience once again
The deep peace of God.

And when I shall grieve
Because I am left alone,
May I find comfort in knowing
He is at rest finally,
And be aware that the Lord is with me -
Understanding and compassionate -
If I should weep!

15 October, 1993

Honoria A. Groves