Jesus, Friend of Sinners

Jesus, Friend of Sinners,
Be a Friend to me,
Take my sinful, shackled heart,
Cleanse and set me free.

Source of Mighty Power,
My Dynamic be,
Into me Your Spirit pour
Holy Energy.

Seeker of the wayward,
Guiding Light to me,
Keep me straight, then let me help
Darkened souls to see.

Teacher of disciples,
My Instructor be,
Learn, obey, then go and tell,
These lessons teach to me.

Companion of the lonely,
Stay close by my side,
Fill each hour of every day
With joy that You provide.

Christ, my Burden Bearer,
My trials You will share,
Lift this heavy load, O Lord,
I give it You to bear.

Jesus, Gentle Healer,
My Physician be,
Give strength of body, peace of mind,
Soul vitality!

Jesus, Loving Saviour,
Give Your love to me,
Through me love the sinners,
Those you died to free.

Powerful, Mighty Conqueror,
Give me victory,
Help me triumphantly to live,
And die exultantly.

Honoria A. Groves