Light in the Stable

There was Light in a Stable one wonderful night!
Where there had been darkness, Glory shone bright.
That shelter which once was so dark and so bare
Was illumined because the Christ-Child was there!

My life, like that stable, was once dark and drear,
But the cobwebs and shadows did all disappear
In the wonder and joy that the Saviour can bring –
For His Coming transfigures everything.

I'm so thankful He came to this stable of mine!
So little had I for the Saviour Divine;
But He gladly accepts the most humble abode,
So great is the love from His great heart bestowed!

But still many stables are dingy and dim,
Not knowing the presence and brightness of Him.
May doors be thrown open in welcome today
For the Light of Jesus to come in and stay!

Honoria A. Groves