No If's With God

There are no "IF's" with God,
They're only on our side
His Promises are faithful,
Secure He will abide.

Free choice to men is given
If we the Lord will choose,
However deep our sinning
Not one will He refuse.

And never will He leave us,
His love will never fail.
His grace is free, unending,
The Blood will still prevail.

But if we choose to leave Him
And consciously would spurn
The great Gift that He offers,
Aside from Him would turn;

Our God will not restrain us,
Or hold against our will,
He lets us fall and wander
But yet He loves us still.

And patiently He's waiting
His loving heart still yearning,
Until He sees some evidence
That we are returning.

Then, with great rejoicing,
His arms still open wide,
He comes to meet and welcome
And draw us back inside.

Oh, how great His faithfulness!
There are no "if's" with Him;
But do not take advantage
When your faith is dim.

He knows we get discouraged
He knows our weakness too,
But He will not withdraw His love,
For He still cares for you.

Because He is dependable,
Eternally secure,
Keep so close to Jesus
Your salvation will be sure.

Honoria A. Groves