
Kneeling to wash the kitchen floor,
I noticed streaks on a cupboard door
Which caused me with surprise to stare
For I hadn't known that they were there.
Then as I busily scrubbed it down
It occurred to me with an anxious frown,
That only when low upon my knee
Were those stains visible to me,
But perhaps another discerning eye
May have seen them when passing by.

Then I thought of blemishes in me
Which I might be unable to see,
But visible to the Lord above,
Who looks with sadness and with love.
So here I am Lord, on my knees
Because I want so much to please
My loving, Holy, Patient Lord.
In keeping with Your Precious Word,
Holy Spirit, cleanse me now I pray
And by the Blood, keep me pure, each day.

Honoria A. Groves

February, 1998