The Lonely Road

My dearest one has started out
Upon a lonely road
Where I can't stay close by his side
To share his heavy load.

With sorrow I shall watch his steps
Of suffering and pain;
However long or short the way,
There's no return again.

But yet I know he's not alone;
He has a dearer Friend
To be his close Companion
Beside him to the end.

So now I place my dear one's hand
In God's, with sad release,
Because He has prepared for him
A place of health and peace.

And Christ, Who walked that Road Himself
Will take him safely through
To where there is no pain or death
And all is bright and new.

Someday on that same lonely road
Each one of us must go,
But there's Divine Companionship
When Jesus Christ we know.

Honoria A. Groves

16 February, 1990

(Written the night my husband was
diagnosed with cancer.)