The Master Gardener

God is the Master Gardener.
Who else could make things grow?
He puts within each tiny seed
Life's vital cell, and lo!
He then supplies its every need;
Sends sunshine and the rain
And blankets warm of snow.
Infuses nutrients of earth
To make their colours glow
And bring new buds to birth.

But to us He gives the privilege
Of providing daily care.
And if we fail to do so
Disappointment will be there.
But if we prune and cultivate
With dedication rare
We soon will be rewarded
With much loveliness to share.

Blossoms bright and fragrant
Will gladden many a heart,
With thankfulness for sharing
A very humble part
In the great life cycle
God so freely gives.
For as our flowers flourish,
So our spirit lives.

Honoria A. Groves

October 17, 1997