The "Now" Generation

This is the day of "I want it now",
It doesn't seem to matter how.
"Get Instant Pain relief", they state,
"Whatever happens, don't make me wait".
There are Instant Mixes, Wash and Wear,
"So what if it costs more, I don't care".
They've lowered the age to vote and drive,
And until they can drink think they're not alive.
With sex, "Let's have our fun now", they say,
"What value is marriage anyway?"
They must have a house, a car, a boat,
Whether the finances sink or float.
Let's live for today, tomorrow we die,
Forget there's a reckoning by and by.

The only time we have is today.
Gone by forever is yesterday
With all its pleasures, failures and loss;
Thank God for Jesus, who died on the Cross
To redeem us from our sinful past -
Behind God's back our guilt is cast.
Tomorrow we cannot foresee,
But God has promised that He will be
Our Loving Shepherd and when He's near
We can face the future without fear.

So what about the here and now?
Shall we muddle through just anyhow?
The Bible makes it plain and clear,
The "accepted time" is NOW and HERE.
Today if you will hear His Voice,
You can repent and then rejoice.
So harden not your willful hearts,
But accept the grace His love imparts.
Don't keep Christ outside your heart's gate,
Open it wide before it's too late.
NOW is the day of Salvation
For all the NOW generation.

Honoria A. Groves