Today's Diary

My routine every morning
Before I start the day,
Is first to write my diary
Covering yesterday.
Then I read the Bible,
Spend some time in prayer,
Enjoying His sweet presence
Because I know He's there.

Now yesterday was special,
So before I went to bed
I wrote down all the details
Before they left my head.
This morning, out of habit,
The bookmark at today,
I just sat there wondering
Why I had nothing to say.

Of course I then remembered,
Yesterday was done,
Today had not yet happened,
It had only just begun.
I raised my head to heaven
Seeking my Father's Grace
I wouldn't write tomorrow
Things I wished I could erase.

Oh guide me, Holy Spirit,
Throughout every hour,
Depending on Your Mercy
And Your Almighty Power.
Keep me from all evil,
From temptation and from sin,
So I can write my diary
With Your sweet peace within.

Honoria A. Groves

May 17, 1998