Volunteer Appreciation

How blessed is our community,
We gratefully declare,
For dedicated volunteers
Who time and talent share
So freely and unselfishly
To show they truly care.

Because of their compassion
More happiness some find.
Without their contribution
Of ministries so kind
Life would be sad and lonely
For those who are confined.

In the Light Bite Kitchen
Making endless cups of tea,
And cookies so delicious
For the likes of you and me,
While all the crafty people
Are busy as a bee.

Some serve on committees;
Some welcome at the door;
Some with all their talents
Teach others to learn more.
While those inclined to music
Are studying a new score.

Our thanks to all the volunteers
Who freely use their skill,
Whatever they are asked to do
Or there's a need to fill.
If no-one else rewards them,
Their Heavenly Father will.

Honoria A. Groves

April, 1995