We Can Worship

We can worship in a sacred building,
With ornate pulpit and comfortable pews;
With vested clergy and a holy altar,
And stained glass windows with their glowing hues,
For God is there to hear our prayer.

We can worship in a simple chapel
With backless bench and wooden floors,
As eager but uneducated pastor
Preaches the Gospel of Christ he adores,
Because He's there to hear our prayer.

We can worship in God's outdoor cathedral,
With carpets of grass and trees our canopy,
We can sing without a mighty organ
Praising God Who caused this lovely world to be,
For He is there to hear our prayer.

We can worship in our home or workplace,
Without a cross or sacred furnishings,
With just a Bible and a humble spirit,
We can know the peace and joy Christ brings
Because He hears and answers prayer.

We can worship when we're sad or happy
Because our Saviour understands and cares.
He has promised He will never leave us
And He willingly our heavy burden bears
And hears our deep and heartfelt prayer.

We can worship when we feel unworthy.
Christ suffered on the Cross to bear our sin;
If we repent, He graciously forgives us
And His Holy Spirit comes to dwell within.
In answer to a sinner's prayer.

And so we worship and we praise our Saviour
Who brings us to our Heavenly Father's Throne
Through Him we all can have His great salvation
Rejoicing when we know we are His own,
Because He always hears our prayer.
(Worship On the Lawn)

September 14, 2003

Honoria A. Groves