What Can I Give This Christmas?

What can I give you this Christmas
To make it special for you?
What can I do for my dear friend
To show that my love is true?

What can I give at this season
Because to me you're so dear?
I'd like to grant all your wishes
But I haven't much money this year.

The Bible tells us of Peter
Who had no silver or gold,
"But such as I have, I give you"
As he showed God's power untold.

The greatest of Gifts is Jesus
And His love that will never end.
And these are the things I would give you
From my heart to yours, dear friend.

My heart's full of love for you always –
One thing I can promise to do
No matter what happens in future,
I can always give love to you.

I can give you my lasting friendship,
Remember your needs in prayer.
Help to carry your burdens
As our joys and sorrows we share.

I can give you my ears to listen
Whenever you want to talk;
I can try to life and comfort
When troubles your pathway stalk.

I can give you my ears to listen
Whenever you want to talk;
I can try to life and comfort
When troubles your pathway stalk.

I can tell you how much I love Jesus,
And what He has done for me.
I can pray you have also discovered
What a wonderful Friend He can be.

These may not be worth any money,
But I hope this Christmas you'll see
That I care for you sincerely
Because you are special to me.

Honoria Groves