Where are You, Lord?

Where are You, Lord?
I'm groping in the darkness,
I've lost the sight, the sound, the feel of You!
So many things have crowded in upon me,
O speak, and tell me what to do!

Where are You, Lord?
I miss Your precious closeness,
The sure knowledge that You are round about.
Break through the muddled shadows of confusion,
Shine forth and cast out every doubt!

Where are You, Lord?
I've been so busy for You,
But suddenly it seems alone I stand;
For in the frenzied rush I have lost contact.
Reach out, dear Lord, and take my hand.

Where are You, Lord?
I cry in desperation!
I've come apart to rest awhile with Thee;
And here, in quiet sweet communion,
"Why here I am", You say to me!

Honoria A. Groves

December 1970